more baking going on here
Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 9:48PM
elizabeyta in embroidery, life

More cookie baking is going on around here.

I still have at least one more type if not more.  Today was sables.  I actually updated the recipe a little bit.  I shortenend the baking time.  See those cookies on the edge.  It is just not the picture but they are a little bit overbaked.  I guess they are for me then.

Yesterday I was rather under the weather.  My head hurt so bad there were no words.  I sat and worked on this present.  I was doing the embroidery.  I love embroidery but I am not very good at the designs.  But Miss Ray is who wrote Doodle Stitching.  I slightly modified one of her designs for this nightgown.

I hope it is liked!

Obviously, I am feeling better and there are more words today.  Maybe I can start baking some of the cookies I wish to bake.  Mostly chocolate and gluten free soon to come.

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