my weekend
Monday, May 9, 2016 at 9:16PM
elizabeyta in life

Miss A, my Beloved, and myself went to the Austin Maker's Fair this weekend.  I was not disappointed because it was as I expected but not as good as I hoped.  I learned some things about building a travel trailer that were very cool.  I watched a paper making demonstration that did not use authentic tools so the process was streamlined.  I talked to a wood block printer.  Something I want to do but have not made the time to do it.  Part of that is I have not drawn something I like well enough to print.

My Beloved and myself did our first bit of primitive camping.  I have not primitive camped in much too long.  This was only a mile walk into the site and there was an outhouse.  The only reason that you might have wanted to call it a hike would be because as soon as you put that backpack on it becomes harder then just a mer walk.  The setup for a hike in is better then it was but it still not perfect.  I lost some skin on a shoulder and there are a few aches and pains.  

But can I say this?  I liked the primitive site.  You are not as on top of each other as in the regular campground.  And the regular campground is much better then a KOA.  There can be no open flame at this state park but it was not December or January so a fire was not a necessity.  I really enjoyed myself.  I might actually chose to stay there more often.

The conclusion from my weekend.  Not much inspiration but a nice change of pace.  Most of what I am working on is long projects so I will have to see what I have to say this week.  The destruction sweater is about ten inches long.  My hands are a little tired.  It is always so hard to come back from the "woods."

Article originally appeared on Panamint Handmade (
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