t-shirt dress
Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 2:12PM

This picture was taken yesterday.  I was outside modeling the dress I made.  Today there are icicles hanging from the roof.  The weather can be so different in 24 hours. 

It went from almost 70 to 26 currently.  I cannot complain.  I am home safe.  It is warm.  My foot is healing.  Now, if the boyos would not give me there bugs.  I had plans on making a salmon pie for dinner.  At this rate, it is going to be toast and eggs.  Something very settling on the tummy.  They have had yucky tummies and now it appears I may as well.  I may just go to bed very early.  Not a very big deal but I do get to hear a bit of complaining.  

I do like this dress I made.  I had some left over jersey from a present I had made.  Part of what is so nice is that the jersey is very wide and I can only buy it in yard increments.  It is also organic and milled in the US.  I can get other things out of a piece I purchase for a project because of the width and purchase policies.

This t-shirt dress was an experiment for me.  I did all the straight sewing on my treadle sewing machine.  I did anything with a curve or an edge by hand.  It is not a fancy dress but it is a comfortable dress and I can use the concept again.  I like a-line dresses but I would be the first to admit that they are probably not the best shape for me.  But the comfort!  

I have more jersey I can work with.  Maybe even enough to get a straighter dress out of some.  But I have been asked to make boyo clothes.  The boyos basically wish to have old fashioned working suits.  Something you would have seen years ago.  Shirts, waistcoats, blazers, and pants.  I am starting with a few shirts.  Maybe a waistcoat.  They make me laugh!  Because the whole group comes up with this type of thing which makes it even more funny!  When I say the boyos, I mean all of them.  And Koda Bear may be wishing similar clothes as well as their newest hire.  I will have to see.  

Article originally appeared on Panamint Handmade (http://www.panaminthandmade.com/).
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