something that is finished!
Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 1:16PM
elizabeyta in crochet

I finished a forever shawl yesterday.  I had come across some Blue Sky Alpaca alpaca and silk blend on clearance last summer.  It felt so nice to the touch!  I decided to make a shawl out of the strange number of skeins I bought.  And I like having a forever shawl of some style in progress.  It is inspired by Ines Cruz who knits.  She knitted something similar from alpaca gifterd to her.  But knit gives a very different drape.  Though I will not undo this one!

Well, this one is done.  It is heavier then I would really like for the size it is but it is a comfort.  It is a comforting weight.  And so soft!  The colors are natural and I like how they all come together.

I have also been playing with the camera on my phone.  How do I take pictures of what I make when I do not ask for help.  The hands in this house are very busy and sometimes I do not chose to wait.  Someone will eventually take the picture but I have been having fun with the timer on my phone.

I do not currently have any more forever shawls in the works.  That is mostly due to having three sweaters and a dress that are being crocheted.  I also am working on a dress that is heavily embroidered.  And mending.  Never forget mending.  Mondays seem to be about mending.

Plus working on the display room for the boyos.  If I were to win the lottery, all I would "buy" myself would be a room with a lock on the door.  Or maybe a cabin with a lock?  A truck cabin with a lock?  The capabilities of making a cup of tea and having some quiet for making. 

Article originally appeared on Panamint Handmade (
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