
On our last trip to Oregon, I picked up lots of yarn. I actually picked up a bit of the Cascade yarns Ultrapima. It is a 100 percent cotton and really nice to work with. About then, I started making a camisole. This was in October and i could not find any pictures of that even though I am fairly sure that I took them.
Today, as I was waiting for the plumber, I finished it.
It really does not look much not on. I used a single crochet and ribbed it all the way around so it is very fitted but covers everything. I could have probably used a smaller hook but the one I had worked well.
I finished the edges with a single crochet which left them a bit fluttery. All the goes with the territory.
But here it is on, not that you can tell. I really like how it fits. I may take a bit in under the arms but that goes with the territory in making something new. The Tall Short person says it is pretty and looks good on me!
The plumbing you ask, toilet in the back of the house backed up into the shower. Wonderful birthday present since I do not use a flushing toilet. Tomorrow will be better.