Teahouse building weekend number 2

The second weekend of building on the Teahouse did not have any participants but Russell and the support staff. I am the support staff. Or in another words, I make sure there are crockpots full of food for hungry tummies and to make sure the fuel can be used for building. I do admit that it was very humid and hot this last weekend so I did not blame anyone for not working outside.
That said, Russell got four batches of cob put on the Teahouse on Friday.
Saturday we had the house warming to go to and errands run so not much happened.
Sunday, Russell again worked on the Teahouse and I did support staff duties but added in all the tasks that need to get done for the week. Many of which will have their own posts in the future. But, I did finish my tasks in time to help with the walls.
Russell mixed clay, sand, and water in the mortar mixer.
He then poured it on to a tarp and we treaded in straw. Basically, dancing in mud! A very good work out!
The cob then goes on the walls. I needed help on to the loft because all my hand and feet holds are no more but we got the batch of cob on the wall. I cob faster then anyone else Russell has been working with. He felt like he had to be almost continually hauling up half five gallon buckets of cob to keep up with me. I know what I am doing and I like things to do with mud.
Soon all the straw will be covered and the roof will go on. It is a lovely space.

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