on a rainy july day

It has been a bit frustrating. It is rained all day. Hard rain where Houston floods. Which also means that businesses close down early and so do government offices, including the library. Due to budget cuts, the library will not be open tomorrow. Sigh, a long weekend without more books to read and movies to watch! It is really not a hardship but there was a cookbook I really wanted to try in my pile of holds. Sigh.
I did make myself some handkerchiefs though.
I like handkerchiefs. I look for them at thrift stores and gift shops. It is hard to find truly nice ones though. I have been making my own. When I make something and have a square of fabric twelve to fourteen inches square leftover, it usually becomes handkerchiefs. I just hem the edges. Russell really likes that the handkerchiefs match my dresses or aprons.
So I have new pretties for my nose.

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