rethinking clothes

I have been in the corporate world almost twenty years. Much too long. I have never really felt comfortable wearing the clothes I am most comfortable in to work. That means my closet and drawers are much fuller then they need to be. Or I would like them to be.
I also read an interesting article in the New York Times last week about two people who decided to pare their wardrobe down to six pieces of clothing (except underwear) total. This speaks to me. I am not ready to do this, because I do love to sew. But I am ready to start combining my wardrobes so the clothes that I wear at work are the same that I wear at home.
So my addiction to aprons will come in handy. It will help keep the clothes I wear unstained, cleaner longer for wearing around the house. I can work on getting down to the six pieces of clothing. I do not think I can do the frontier woman wardrobe of two dresses. I am not there yet.
I do have a new apron:
I made this out of white muslin that Russell did not like for his shirts. I added a colored binding and apron straps. They should look familiar. They are from a different dress!
I was thinking it would feel too white, but it actually does not. The change in color helps. I need more aprons and there is more of this fabric, so it is good.
How many aprons do I need you ask? I figure a minimum of five for each kitchen. Three kitchens. That means fifteen aprons. Russell says eight per kitchen. That would mean twenty four. Maybe the better statement is enough aprons so I always have a clean one when I need one.

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