farmer's market and garden salsa

We went to the farmer's market this weekend and got some fabulous peaches. They were so ripe that some got squished on the way home. I made salsa with them.
8 or so tomatoes (farmer's market)
4 peaches (farmer's market)
Handful of green onions (garden)
1 jalapeno pepper (friend's garden)
half a head of garlic
1 soaked date
salt and pepper
Chop finely the tomatoes, peaches, onions, jalapeno, and garlic. Put half in the a bowl and the other half in a blender or food processor. Pit the date. Add to the mixture in the food processor. Blend.
Put the blended mixture in the bowl with the chopped mixture and stir. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Russell said this was so yummy that he could it is all up not on anything. Or just on rice. It is yummy!

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