getting ready for winter

Russell and I have started getting ready for the winter gardening season. I know it is August and the heat index is above 100 but if we do not get started now the plants will not have a chance.
We have started digging and cleaning out beds. I have seeds ordered for the winter vegetables we eat: broccoli, kale, swiss chard, brussels sprouts, spinach, cabbage, and lettuce. And we have a few things that made it through the summer heat.
Our eggplants are blooming. I have to admit that I would grow eggplant just for the flowers. But the eggplant from our garden has never been bitter. They are so lovely.
We have four different types of peppers growing. They all have flowers and peppers. I have been receiving peppers from a friend at work whose garden is ahead of mine. I may have to return the favor soon! We only have six plants!
I planted winter squashes last spring and they fruited then. Some of the plants made it through the summer and we have more fruit developing.
I believe the fruit we have currently is pumpkins but I cannot be sure until they look like those in the picture. These are part of what the vines produced this spring.

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