temporary workspace

It has been interesting working in a workspace that is not my normal.
Today is the first day that it has been truly sunny and I have been at the campsite. It is really not warm enough to work outside unless I am close to the fire so it makes it difficult to sew.
So I have been crocheting a lot. It does not help that I found a yarn shop in the area that I really like.
Russell forgot to bring my sourdough starter and I do not bake with store boughten yeast anymore. I am working on creating a new starter
Sourdough Starter
1 cup flour
3/4 cup water
Let sit out for a week until it bubbles and smells sours. Use in place of yeast, keeping back 2 tablespoons starter. You will refresh it with 1 cup flour and 3/4 cup of water the next time you chose to bake. Always keep back at least 2 tablespoons and put in a glass jar. Refrigerate.
Now if you have to rush the process like I am doing add:
add 1/8 teaspoon active dry yeast.
Go through the feeding and using process for the whole week. You should have a fairly strong starter by the end of the week that will be find in the refrigerator or freezer until your next use.
Sourdough starter is really that simple. The big thing is patience. Give the yeastie beasties time to work. They are slow and strong. Just like the turtle <wink>. And then you can have pancakes, bread, pizza, cake....

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