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oil lamp

It is the time of year where I just wish to snuggle in.  It is a bit warm to do it but I am getting ready.  I need cozy and golden.  Pots of soup and quilts and large cups of tea.  I decided I really needed oil lamps.  Though I really like the vintage ones with glass shades, I have not found any in my thrifting and I did not wish to wait.  Maybe next month with more junk shops, yes?  The end result of not being able to find any is that I made some.

Most of the parts you can order online, find at your local hardware store, or find in your kitchen cupboard.

Our local hardware store carried similar burners but they did not fit a regular mouth mason jar.  I had to order this one so I ordered a few.

When I ordered the burner, I also ordered chimneys.  Crucial to keep the flame burning smoothly!

I took a quart mason jar off the kitchen shelf and filled it with lamp oil.  I actually saw some quart jars while thrifting so i will try there first before I bought new.  I will need to pick up some more.  They are great for more then oil lamps, storage too!  Or if you have a husband who likes pickled things....

Once the jar is fuel or nearly full of lamp oil, screw on the burner.  It is a good thing to let the wick soak in the oil before trying to light it.  I actually took the wick out of the burner and soaked it for a bit (fifteen minutes?) before I rethreaded it.  

You light this lamp without the chimney on and put the chimney on the burner once it is lit.

And there is an oil lamp.  I have the makings for a few more but I am still going to keep my eyes open for vintage ones!  I actually had breakfast by this lamp this morning.  It was the touch I needed with my tea and toast to prepare myself for the day.  It was a blessing.

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