beloved socks

My tall short person texted me this week with "Momma, can you darn socks? My favorites have holes in the heels but do not worry about the holes in the toes."
What was a Momma to do?
I am not really sure what she does with them but I am not sure it includes shoes.
The hardest part was finding yarn the right color and close to the right thickness. When people used to darn socks all the time, they used to knit their own socks too. They might keep a bit back just for instances like this! I think I need to learn to knit.... Socks???
I could not find my darning egg which is a bit frustrating. It was my grandmother's. I had found it in her button box after she died. I did have to find something to use so I made do with some rocks from the Oregon Coast.
Then it is just time and a bit of patience. I have not done this in so long that it was not perfect. My Dad actually taught me how a long time ago. I think it was a Little House in the Prairie influence. But they are done. Now I just have to find out what she thinks. Many doubles worked this week so I have not seen her.

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