mashed potato polenta pizza

That polenta I talked about yesterday became polenta pizza. When gluten was first cut out of my Beloved's diet, he wanted pizza and the pizza crust just was never right. This was our solution. You might actually call it a polenta tart. Only when it is cold is it edible with fingers. Otherwise, you really need a fork. But it is tasty. I really do not care for normal pizza so this is all good.
He has been wanting it again recently and there were a lot of leftovers from Thanksgiving. I had chili sauce with rabbit in it from a rabbit dish I have not had a chance to post about. There was a lot of mashed potatoes. The request was for shepherd's pie. I made fresh potatoes for the pie. The chili sauce went into a red sauce for this pizza and pasta. It became very smokey and spicey. Nice with the polenta.
Polenta Mashed Potato Pizza
2 cups cooked polenta
2 to 4 tablespoons olive oil
4 to 8 ounces bacon or pancetta, chopped into small rectangles
2 cups or to your taste mashed potatoes
2 to 4 tablespoons pine nuts
Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
On a baking sheet, pizza pan, or pizza stone, put down a piece of parchament paper to cover and then smear with the oil. Spread the polenta in a thin round over it. Bake for 20 minutes.
Put the bacon in a pan over medium heat. You will want it about half cooked.
When the polenta is done, take it out of the oven.
Smear with the red sauce. Then dollop with mash potatoes. Sprinkle the bacon over it and then the pine nuts.
Bake for another 20 minutes.
If you serve this straight out of the oven, it will act more like a bowl of polenta with lot of crunchies. Very yummy but not what you think of as pizza.
If you can wait even ten minutes, this will hold its shape better.
We usually have one serving that is more similar to a bowl of polenta because we cannot wait and then another that is more like a slice of pizza.

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