white elephant present that was not

We had another cookie decorating party this weekend. The attendance was a little low but I have to admit that I think everyone had as much if not more fun. It was a good group. Something should have told me though that I was not myself when I was in bed after it by 8 pm and slept over twelve hours. My Beloved came home from work after a closing shift and I roused myself enough to ask how is day was. That was about it! This is not normal.
For some odd reason, my work had decided to have a Valentine's Day pizza lunch with a white elephant giveaway.
On Sunday, I found the energy to make a shopping bag from leftover scraps of two dresses. Everyone at work should have recognized the fabrics but I figured nobody would. If it is not computer related, most times things get missed.
I had a feeling the types of gifts were really not going to be me so I was going to try to get this back. I would have been that selfish. But instead, I was asleep in bed at home. Able to keep water in at that point.
But I got to open a lovely package when I went to the library when I was much more human! It did turn out very nicely. And I did not have to scheme (smile).

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