more Christmas gifts

I am still working on Christmas gifts. My stitching slowed down after the holidays but I keep going. Kind of like a very slow Energizer bunny. I have added other projects and energy has been low. But I had an unexpected day off due to ice. So I got pajama bottoms for the Tall Short Person done.
I started with two flat twin cotton sheets. They were the stripe and the stars in one with a little bit of sky blue. I was able to get three pairs of pajama pants out of them with a little piecing. The tall short person requested that they would all be long. She actually wears them. I actually asked if she liked this fabric about three times because it just felt like it got brighter and brighter!
Each pair is very unique. But now I need to keep my eyes open for next year. She would really like skulls, or skeletons, or Jack and Sally from Nightmare before Christmas. The flying takeout boxes from last year worked though! She is a strange child.
I will see what I get done tomorrow. If I take another two hour nap like today it may not be much but my lungs feel heavy so I have a feeling healing is going on. Better to do that with sleep then other things. I only have a very long list!

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