happy dress

It was a quiet day. Both at work and at home. Home was not as quiet as work though. I went to the library. I wove. That is coming along nicely. I am waiting for an audiobook that I wish to weave to. I find the background noise is quiet nice. I made myself a simple dinner since my Beloved was at work.
And I finished a dress. This dress has been waiting for buttons and buttonholes for almost two weeks now. It is one of my favorite styles. My family calls this a frontier dress but it is a bit more fitted then what was first called the frontier dress. It is a very old Simplicity pattern. But I have changed the sleeve and length. I have made the bodice more fitted. I have also added a collar from my Beloved's frontier shirt. The best part truly is that it goes to my ankles if not toes. I love that length. It will be lovely to wear tomorrow.

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