agave mustard salad dressing

While camping, do we buy our salad dressing? Of course not. We have been making salad dressing since my Beloved stopped eating gluten and soy. Then he was able to eat gluten and soy again but we were spoiled with homemade dressing. It is easy easy. On the camping trip, I wanted something like a honey mustard but we had no honey. We did have agave though.
Agave Mustard Salad Dressing
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon raspberry vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon mustard
1 tablespoon agave or to taste.
Dump everything into a mason jar. Screw on the lid. Shake. Taste and adjust to your tastes.
I do admit that I squeezed agave and did not measure. We put this on the bison burger and salad we had for dinner. Heaven!

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