cob oven

One of the columns my Beloved is building is going to contain on oven. The columns are for a structure that will be his forge. One is one more fire feature? We bought firebrick this last weekend and made sure it was the right height. My Beloved actually took his chain saw to the top of the column so that the oven floor would be level with shoulder. I will not have to lift up when I place bread in it or when I take bread out. Or maybe yogurt. Or pizza. Or a casserole. Or a....
We put masonry sand in the shape of the oven on top of the fire bricks. We used an old olive oil can to create the chimney. We then covered the sand with paper.
My Beloved made a batch of cob with out straw in it in the mortar mixer (we are lazy. we rarely foot tread cob anymore unless it is at a workshop). We put the whole batch on top. We just have to keep going up and finish the column. We will also cut a door. We just have to build the column up until it will meet the roof. Then the oven can be used! Maybe sooner. We will have to see.

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