grey shawl

My hands are usually busy while I am watching picture shows. Like last night. I was working on the edging of the shawl I was making. I had only taken it out about six times and I took it out once more after this picture.
By the end of the night, it was finished. It is not a large shawl but it covers me to about my waist and covers that most important spot between my shoulder blades that gets cold. I was wearing it at work today and ended up looking like a babushka because I was not feeling well. I could have three shawls at work and be happy but I currently only have one that resides there.
I think the next project will be a hat and mittens from yarn I spun. I actually need to find more fiber I like so I can spin more. I thought I might have enough of the next color but I do not think it will be enough for a shawl.
By the way, the cookies from yesterday are all gone. That is how good they were.
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