simple evening

It was a simple evening. Quiet. I got home from skating to a pot of bean soup ready for my dinner since my Beloved put it on this morning. I decided to make cornbread to go with it. While it was baking, I worked on the stocking in the picture. I am really not sure why I am working on wool stockings when it was 106 yesterday but maybe that means the pair will be done when it 36 outside. But the knitting is calming and meditative. While the cornbread was baking, I knitted and listened to an audiobook. Once my Beloved got home, it was a simple evening of soup, cornbread, a picture show, and crocheting on the forever shawl. It too will be done someday. Probably when it 36 outside too.
I needed this type of evening because I am tired. Bed early for us tonight.
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