more wonkiness in my life

Life has been full this autumn and winter. I realized yesterday that it has been October since I sewed a nine square. Between projects for Christmas and the Smallest Short Person coming into our lives, my sewing machine has been used for other things.
I asked my Tall Short Person what I should blog about last night as she was eating homemade bread and she said bread. I laughed because for Everyday Bread I really do not use a recipe: sourdough starter, liquid, fat, sugar, flour. Dump into a bowl. Ferment for a while. Add more flour and salt and knead. Let rise to double twice. Shape into a loaf. Let rise for about an hour. Bake at 350 degrees for a hour. That is the recipe. The specificity I do not have because I do not measure anymore. Does it look right? Does it feel right? My family laughs at me and then they tell me it is time to start bread again. If anyone does wish the recipe with more specifics, let me know and I will right it down.
Wonkiness. I have been playing with more pot holders. This one is a bit thinner then I would have wished.
But I like how it is not perfect. It allows me to be able to wash another. I will bring more wonkiness into my life soon.

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