more shopping bags
I got all the shopping bags done. My Beloved picked the colors for this one as well..
I chose the colors for this one.
I tried using a heavier fabric on the outside of the last three I made and I really think it helped. They are all outdoor upholstery wheights. They work much better when it comes to carrying library books. I get teased that I do not leave anything for anybody else. I also have figured out all the measurements. The body is 18" by 18". The pocket is 9" by 9". The shoulder straps is 3" to begin with and depending on who wants to use it, either the strap is 18" twice or 20" twice. These work well. It has taken a bit of playing around with the measurements and use to figure out what is best.
Yes, I am giving you the measurements. There are two reasons. One, so I can remember. Two, so you can make your own bag. I think everyone should be able to. Please!
I took the beginning part of a printing class tonight. After a very frustrating day at work, I needed something different. Family. Food. Learning something new. Much better evening then day.
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