for our neighbor's twins

Our neighbors had twins this autumn. A boy and a girl. I finished all the nine squares for their quilts today. I wanted the quilts to have the same fabrics even if the number of squares are different. I think it is going to be interesting how each turns out because my quilts are always different! Many of these squares were sewn with a Small Mister on my lap. He really likes my sewing machine, pins, and scissors. It is a very slow process when he is "helping."
My Beloved and I took Small Mister out to my quilt fabric store. They charmed the owner while I picked out fabrics for the backs of the two quilts.
I also found fabric for a casual dress and a just because piece. The dress will be another one of those high priced European dresses that takes no time at all to make. This one is more expensive then the one I made with the fabric that was $2 a yard. It is the green bit up there in the picture. I just liked it.
Brownie torte is out of the oven. There is tea on. I think it is time for dessert. That makes me smile.
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