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lemon shortbread

I did try a new shortbread with the baking this year.  Lemon.  The only difference in how they look from the vanilla is that there is a brown caramel bit around the bottom.  But the flavor!  I am not the biggest lemon fan and I think these are pretty addictive.  I am writing this down so I am sure to have them again next year!

lemon shortbread

2 cups butter

1 cup sugar

juice and zest from 3 lemons

4 cups flour

sugar for dreging

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Cream the butter and sugar together.  Mix in the lemon juice and zest.  Mix in the flour.  Take a small teaspoon and roll into a ball.  Dredge in sugar and place on a cookie sheet.

Bake for 15 minutes or until golden.

Just make sure to not eat them all at once.

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