some success today

So this was not the post that I wished to post tonight. I keep working on gluten free gnocchi and am never statisfied. I had seen a recipe for gnocchi that had potato and ricotta in them. I thought that might work better but it did not. They were not the epic failure I have had with gluten free gnocchi in the past but they were not really worth writing down. Sometimes though I just have to share my frustration.
I did get the quilt back for a baby quilt I am making done. The little boy who I am making the quilt for was born the week before the Smallest Short person. I have just enjoyed being a Grandma Lady and had the most fun this holiday season with family that I have had in a long time. I have about a third of the quilt quilted right now and will share when it is done.
But this was a success. And it went together easily. Now, if gluten free gnocchi would.....
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