Mama Leone's red sauce

When we got back from New York, a friend of mine raved about Mama Leone's resturant. He could not say enough about their red sauce and he told me how he and his sister would go there to eat after club ice at Madison Square Garden. He would ask for a bowl of this sauce and a short loaf. Then they would close the place down.
I went and looked up Mama Leone's. They closed in the late 1980's. I was able to find this recipe online. I also got their cookbook through interlibrary loan. I might have to try a few more recipes. I gave my friend a jar of this sauce and he says it is close to what he remembers. He remembers more garlic and I think that would be good. Also, maybe a nice glass of red wine added to it to.
But what I really feel is this is a good place to start and do with it what you will.
Mama Leone's Marinara Sauce
Note: Adapted from Leone's Italian Cookbook by Gene Leone
6 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup butter
3 large roasted garlic cloves, mashed
16 fresh sprigs parsley, leaves only (I used everything)
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
Three pounds peeled plum tomatoes, chopped (I crushed them. They were from the garden)
1 tablespoon dried oregano
8 anchovy fillets
2 heaping tablespoons tomato sauce.
In a skillet, heat olive oil and butter. Add the garlic and parsley. Saute for a few minutes and let release flavors. Add salt and pepper. In a large pot, put the tomates and start to heat over medium heat. Add the olive oil mixture. Bring to heat. Add everything else and let simmer until you are ready to eat.
I actually did this in a slow cooker and it worked well. Add salt to taste when you ready to serve.
I serverd this with pasta and it was quite nice. I changed it up a bit and used it for ratatouille and it was quite nice there too. Just remember mild but full of flavor.
I am going to add more garlic next time. Mabye a swig of red wine too. This is the closest I have followed a recipe in a long time! But then I was trying to fulfill memories. What you do for family, huh?

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