quilting done

Last night we went to Cirque Du Soliel. We like them. I think we all wish we were that strong or that flexible or both. I really like the aerial silks. This one did not have any but it did not mean I did not enjoy it. I know of a class that is taught here in town and I keep thinking I will take it. Maybe for Christmas or my birthday.
Also, my whole schedule changed this week. Skating has been on the same evening for years and the rink cut back hours where I can skate. I had to move rinks and times. It makes this week feel very strange. I know I will get used to it over time but it will take time.
Even with all the different and change, I finished the quilting! I am currently putting the binding on (and working on another quilts pieces and making receiving blankets for a gift and .... you should see the list!). I hope to have a few quiet minutes tomorrow to finish the binding. Then a bicycle ride or a skateboard ride to deliver it to Miss L.
This is if it does not rain! Just another twist.

Reader Comments (2)
You're certainly an achiever. Hope you're feeling better. I'd love to go skating but alas not cold enough where I live to have a rink. I'm sure you'd love our surf though.
Blessings Gail
More surfing would be lovely!