hot pads - everyday sewing

Hot pads have become part of my every day sewing. Whenever I am working on another project, like pajama pants, Small Mister pants, or dresses for me, there is a hot pad I am working on when I do a straight seam.
I was looking at the hot pads I have had for awhile and they were filthy! It has something to do with how often I use my oven (almost every day), how often I use cast iron (almost every day), and how often I just plain cook (almost every day). Even though it was on my list of things I needed to make, I had not gotten around to making anymore hot pads.
Now I have. I kept it simple. The same piece of fabric on each side. A felted wool blanket in the middle. It is very hot to combat pans that are 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The hottest oven in the house goes up to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit so I just need thick wool and nothing else special. I quilted them and added a binding. I put a loop on them because I have S hooks on the metro racks in my kitchen where I can hang them from.
I can wash the other ones now. They do not looks as bad as they did but they do look used. My Beloved likes these a bit better because they fit his hands better. They are little bit large for my hands but they work. They are a happy median. I am working on another six. I decided I needed some extras and a few need to go in the trailer and the camping box. Just more everyday sewing.

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