mobius strip cowl

All I wish to do currently is sleep. The crud has still not gone away. And I am moving like a little old lady due to a foot injury which is also playing with my hip and knee on the left side. I know it is a message to slow down but I do not do that very well.
I had a friend post a pattern for a knitted cowl on Facebook. I really liked it and it is something that I can do in my chair, feel productive but not over due. I got the yarn, which was one sale. But then I got five skeins. I also got knitting needles. I tried. But after three rows, the crochet hook came out.
And in no time at all, I had a mobius strip cowl/scarf made for the Tall Short Person.
That is what it is: a mobius strip. I used a M crochet hook with one skein of homespun yarn from Lion's Brand. I chained 20 and the did single t back and forth until the skein was gone but I had enough yarn to "sew" the ends together. I twisted the strip and "sewed" the ends together. I say sew because I did a flat seam with my crochet hook.
I figured since I have not sent all the Christmas packages yet, I can add some cowls in. There is one for the Tall Short Person (when she picks it up off my workbench), one for my Aunt, one for my Mom, one for my Best Friend, and one for me.
It does keep me in one place. Off the skateboard. Off the surfboard. But I have a wet suit to repair to get on the surfboard. Sigh.

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