an interesting weekend

It was an interesting weekend. I did not get anything done I hoped to get done. But we did go surfing. I am a horrible surfer but I love it so much. I watch the surf everyday, hoping there will be surf bigger then knee high. There was this Saturday. We got a chance to surf. My Beloved has been hurt for days. He hurt his back somehow. I was doing very well until I rode a wave into the shallows and then fell face first into the water bottom. The flare I am going through and fall made for an interesting combination. I have been moving vvveeerrryyy slowly. I just keep moving. Though the sun feels good when I stay still long enough.
I did get the quilt top sewed together I have been working on. My assistant and myself did not make a very good combination this time. I had to rip out seams. Multiple times. Usually, I do not have any ripping out at this stage. Not this time. But it is all stitched together now. I have started working on the back.
I have a feeling it is going to continue to be an interesting week.

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