
I was reading blogs last week and came across the site Rough Linen as I was reading a gardening blog. They were actually talking about the best way to make a bed. I am not really sure why a gardening blog had an entry about making beds on it but I can handle the strangeness. I would love to have sheets from Rough Linen now. I think I will save pennies. But what struck my eye was the pinafore.
I need knew aprons. They are horrible looking. That is how much I have used them. Stains do not come out of them no matter how they are washed at home. But each of those takes about four and a half yards of fabric. Making a new one is just an ouch. The pinafore looked like it would cover enough and be completely functional. I also just liked the look. A bit simpler. Linen. Yes, I am strange. I would wear aprons to work if it felt right and these might just end up there.
I got out my notebook. Wrote down measurements as I used my trusty "tape measure." All my tape measures actually seem to have legs, especially the newest one that is a duck. I am at the point of finding some cotton yard that has no stretch and a yard stick. It is actually a carpenter's two yard stick. I have two of those that do not wander far from my work table. They have Grandma's name on them. The measurements became the framework for the pinnie.
I had a piece of linen and time with the sewing machine.
I have a pinnie!
Looking at these pictures and comparing them with Rough Linen's, I may have made my pinafore a bit big. I figure I can always adjust if I wish or keep it big. Or change one of the ones to come. But it is quite comfortable. I actually put together an a-line dress that I have been wearing with it. So comfortable.
I see more of these in my future. I would love to have one from Rough Linen because their linens look so pretty but this is not bad at all!

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