faerie afghan done

I think I mentioned that the Tall Short Person, aka, Faerie, felted the wool baby blanket that I crocheted for Small Mister. I made her another. She chose the color and is happy with it. It is the blanket she uses on the couch to watch videos or read under.
I got to looking at the felted blanket and now have many too many ideas for uses. I may create some more out of extra yarn I have around the house and felt the blankets on purpose. One of the purposes was to have lovely felted wool for a winter coat for Small Mister for next year.
Those thoughts did mean I put bits and pieces together plus a few skeins and have started another afghan. This is going to be granny square based and is ideal for all the leftover bits I have. I was surprised, and should not have been, on how well all the colors go together. It will be interesting when it is finished. Making a granny square afghan is a lot like making a nine square quilt.

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