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bing cherry mojitos

After all our hard work on the bathroom this weekend, we decided that adult beverages were in order.  My Beloved likes rum and I had a mojito recipe that I wished to try.  The cherries it actually calls for our out of season so I had to go with bing cherries.  It was not a hardship!  And these were very refreshing.

My one suggestion is to never let my Beloved make them for you if you have anything else to do that evening.  He forgets to count!

bing cherry mojitos

Note:  These measurments are per one 8 ounce drink.  

8 cherries (about 1/4 cup fruit)

1 stem mint with leaves

2 ounces rum

1 ounce simple syrup

the juice of 1/2 a lime

soda water

Tear the cherries apart and take out the pit.  Add the mint leaves and lime juice.  Muddle.  Add the rum and simple syrup.  At this point, I let this sit for 10 to 20 minutes.  My Beloved actually did not muddle, he whirled in the blender.

Put ice in a glass.  Strain the rum mixture over the ice.  Add soda water to your taste.

This was lovely.  

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