last batch of business cards I have currently designed

Tuesday evening, I worked on the last batch of business cards I needed to do. I have one more set for me I could work one. I need to do some designing for my best friend and my Beloved. But my Beloved has business cards he can use right now. I need some computer time for my best friend.
An aside, I realize I stand in this position a lot when I look at pictures of myself. I work a lot standing and watching closely what I am doing.
I find every time I print, I get a little bit better. Practice is my friend.
I am pleased with how these turned out. I need to remember to use less ink in the beginning. It is work to scale back. I have learned I like working with 100 pound paper better then 80 pound paper. And my eyes just do not seem to tell me what is straight very well so I have to work at it. Again, I think practice will really help.
I am looking for volunteers who would be willing to pay for the costs plus just a bit for time for letterpress work to be done. You must be patient with me though. Time is limited and everything takes me ten times to long! Email me or leave a comment if you might be interested.

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