first world problem: internet down

I have not been off adventuring like I am normally when I have not blog recently. Though part of me has been thinking about the mountains on either side of Death Valley. Our internet was down. It was not our provider that was the problem but ATT who deals with the connections and the lines to the house. ATT flubbed a bit so today we had the technician and his supervisor out.
I really was not that stressed about it. I was enjoying the quiet. The plan was to go to a coffeehouse tonight and drink coffee and use their internet. We may still go out for coffee but I have a feeling the we will just be homebodies. We do that so well.
This year I planted many more flower seeds then I did vegetable seeds. I do miss the veggies from the garden but I have so enjoyed the flowers. Every morning on my way to work on my bicycle I enjoy them.
The zinnias did really well. I mix all the seeds together so I may have planted more zinnia seeds then anything else. Because on the mountain it is cosmos. There are a few marigolds in both places.
I think I am just going to have to make sure I have a wild flower garden no matter where I am. My largest rose got cut back hard in August. It doing better as well so soon I will have roses to add to this as well. I am excited!

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