working on a present

It has been an evening of curry, tea, tequila, friend, cookie baking, and crocheting. I am working on the Christmas present for my best friend, that is until I get more parts for my spinning wheel. She is a Kundalini yoga instructor and I have ideas on a yoga rug for her. But I need parts for tools! Life is good.
I am really enjoying working on this scarf. The yarn is a merino yak that I spun. I can tell where I had more issues then other places. There are thick bits and thin bits. But using a shell stitch is make the fabric of the scarf lovely. I am making it very long so she can wrap it around her neck twice or wrap it around her body. She is on enough film sets that who knows how it will be really worn! The blanket I have made her may end up in a film eventually but that is if the crew lets it out of their site. I am told it is well loved and well used by many people.
More cookies and more crochet tomorrow but less people. That is okay.

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