Small Mister macaroni and cheese

Small Mister supposedly likes macaroni and cheese. But when I make basic mac and cheese (from scratch), he does not really eat that much. I had no hopes that he would eat dinner tonight but I was so wrong. I just make flavorful adult food and he eats it.
So this is how we make macaroni and cheese for Small Mister. It is a keeper for the adults in the house too.
Small Mister macaroni and cheese
1 pound spiral noodles (I use Jovial brown rice pasta)
1/4 pound prosciutto (because how can you go wrong with pig)
about 1/2 cup pine nuts
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1/4 cup butter
1/4 to 1/3 pound gorgonzola cheese
sprinkle basil
Heat water for pasta in a very large pot. Bring to a boil.
While the water is heating, melt the butter in a large skillet. Add the prosciutto, pine nuts, and garlic. You wish the garlic and pine nuts to be golden.
When the water boils, add the pasta. Bring back to a boil and cook to al dente.
While the pasta is cooking, add the gorgonzola and about 1 cup of the pasta water to the prosciutto mixture. You want it to be quite full of pasta goodness. Mix and heat until the cheese is melted. Turn off the heat.
Drain the pasta. Add it to the proscuitto mixture.
Stir up so everything is combined. Sprinkle with basil.
Let the boyos eat their fill. They may fight over the last bit.
By the way, I have been overdoing. After work, I have been done this week. A bit frustrating actually.

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