
I spent time in the garden this morning. The Small Mister and the Tall Short Person have moved out of state and I am very sad. I found the time in the garden helps. More meditation.
I dug. I weeded. I have flowers and vegetables up that need the weeds moved from around them. I am also still planting seeds. More vegetables and flowers. We had one salad for dinner this week where all the lettuces came from. I noticed today that the kale and chard are growing rampant. I have some Veronica broccoli (or cauliflower depending on who you ask) ready to pick soon.
Another space where I need to spend time in every day. Lots of time for mediation and a moving meditation at that. I have always been more the chop wood, carry water type.

Reader Comments (2)
I am sorry that Small Mister has moved. I will be praying for you during this difficult time.
Thank you so much. It has been very hard for both myself and my Beloved.