savoury pies

There seems to be a theme around here currently. It is pie. More specifically savoury pies.
I have filled them with vegetarian picadillo.
I filled a pie with saag paneer and a pie with saag paneer and dal. Both were incredible. I have been using the hot water crust pastry that is featured in many savoury pies on the Great British Bake Off. I have been using a recipe from someone who is auditioning for the show. I would not change anything about the crust other then make sure to bring the water to just a boil and do not boil further. You do not wish to lose much moisture to steam.
I have been cooking all my pies for 50 minutes at 200 degrees C or 400 degrees Fahrenheit. I have one oven that is digital so that works. This has become a household favorite.

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