fudge sauce (dairy free)

Yes, it has been quiet around here. I have been busy with working on holiday bits and pieces but we have also been dealing with tummy troubles like dragons who eat spicy tacos (it is a book). It seems to take a bunch out of everyone, even those who may not be having the tummy troubles but just taking care.
I have been getting a lot done but by the time I usually write, I am asleep. Oh well. At least I do not have tummy troubles. Let us see about tomorrow.
There was a potluck at work today to celebrate the holidays and all the good work of the year. This year, there are more people with food allergies and sensitivities then we have had in the past. Since I actually can bake for that, I came up with a couple of desserts that everyone could eat.
The first one I am going to write about is the meringue cake I made. I based it one I have made in the past but I had to make sure there was no gluten, no seeds, no nuts, and no dairy. I am going to write down all the bits so I can find them later when I need them.
The first thing I put together was a fudge sauce for the layers. My Beloved licked the pot I made it in and could not seem to stop. Highly unusual for him. He is usually one bite and then good. Not with this fudge sauce and that seemed to be the consensus.
This was lovely between the layers of a cake. It would also be lovely warmed and put on top of ice cream. Stirring it into some type of milk might work as well. I would not be the one to ask about that because I really do not like just a glass of milk.
dairy free fudge sauce
Note: I read a couple of hot fudge recipes and liked the recipe and technique best in Chocolate, Chocolate, and More. I used her recipe as a go by but then tweaked.
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup black onyx cocoa powder
1 cup water
1/2 cup coconut oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon salt
In a pot over medium high heat put the sugar, cocoa powder, and water. Bring to a boil. Add in the coconut oil and whisk for five minutes (yes really, it makes the sauce lovely). After five minutes, mix in the vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, and salt. Whisk well until all is dissolved.
Cool before using on a cake. Use immediately over ice cream. Store in a jar in the refrigerator and heat for next time.
Nobody seemed to be able to get enough of this one. Truly.

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