to be kind of the same

I had a bit of extra flannel from the making of my Beloved's flannel shirt. I asked Koda Bear if he wanted a shirt to match his Grandpa's or pajama pants. He said pajama pants.
They turned out well. I did make them a bit big for growing room. I will have to check with the Tall Short Person on addresses but they should be in the mail this week.
There are more pajama pants being made. The boys seem to want them because they are so warm and cozy. I would make myself a flannel dress but I am little crazy like that. I have a piece of fabric that may become a dress for a wedding I am going to next week. I cannot remember if it is flannel or not. I do think it is but I need to go through the stack to find out. I have been a bit down and a bit cold. Warm cozy flannel seems to help both.

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