vegetarian picadillo tacos

With the boyos gone, I have been eating many more vegetarian meals. I even took the time and made myself the crispy avocado tacos I posted. So good. Before the boyos left, I tried putting vegetarian picadillo into tortillas with a few more toppings. It was excellent and I would highly recommend.
Put vegan picadillo in a tortilla, a few beans, avocado cream, goat cheese, cabbages, salsa.
Eat to your hearts content but get a fork and napkin because you will need it.
Now, you will notice that I did not put a real recipe here. That is because I have a plan for tomorrow night. My one complaint was there was not enough different texture. Sprinkling tortilla chips on the tacos may have helped that.
But because I want tacos, I have a plan (Good plan, lady, good plan. It is from Gerald and Piggy books)! I am going to try to make a roasted type of picadillo tomorrow so there are crispy edges. Texture with flavor! More tacos! More experimentation!
Yes, I know I am being very silly but I admit to hurting most of the day. Silly is helping to deal with pain. Tea helps too.

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