for hauling projects around the country (and mother's day gifts)

I decided to post early today because it could be another day like yesterday. I was in bed by 6:15 pm. I did not know if it was going to be a nap or all night. It ended up all night. But the cough that was starting is gone. Sleep can be magic. I am not currently as tired as I was this time yesterday but I felt better safe then sorry. I was a zombie yesterday at this time.
I was read a few design blogs. I came across a post about a new store that had a lot of cool designs. For things like ways to carry your calligraphy supplies around. My type of stuff. They carried a lovely origami bag. Linen. Leather around the handle. Large enough for my fiber projects, whether crochet, sewing, or spinning. But they wanted $165 for it! Yes, linen and leather but the bag takes very little work to make.
I went to Home Depot. Bought the smallest canvas tarp they had. With tax, it was $12. I washed it twice and dried it in the dryer. How very odd for me but I wanted the softness and for it to dry quickly. I did some rough calculations, and cut four large rectangles. Four bags. My calculations were off or it would have taken less time to put them together.
A bit of stitching. Taking some hemp fabric I had in my stash to make a contrasting handle and they were done. Four bags for $12 and time. Mine took all my fiber arts across country with me. I sent one to my Mom and the Tall Short Person for Mother's day. The last was supposed to go to my best friend but our meeting in Colorado did not happen and I have not gotten the newest forwarding address. But that is life.
If I had had access to some soft leather, I would have put handles like that on them but I was being a hermit and did not wish to leave my machine.

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