the last planned forever shawl done

I finished the last planned forever shawl today. Miss D, who saw it while I was making it, said green is her favorite color. I lucked out in the picking of the yarn.
It is going to be interesting not having this at work to work on. I am going to have to take one of the two sweaters I am working in.
While I was making this shawl, I shattered my bone crochet hook on Papaw's floor. I came home and had a bamboo of the same size and there was just too much friction. I ordered myself a Furls crochet hook that is supposed to help hand health. I am hoping because I have been very hard on my hands lately. It translates all the way up into my shoulder, back, and neck. I have the aluminum hook to use until the Furls comes because that is how horrible the bamboo is.
I found it interesting that today I finished this shawl. Interesting in a sad way. My Grandmother died last night. 104. She was in hospice and I knew death would be soon. I know she lived a lovely adventurous life. But that does not mean I did not hurt a bit at the news and I am just sad.
I realized today it is not okay to be sad in our society. When people ask how I am and I say said, they try to cheer me up. Tell me 104 is a long life. She saw so many things and changes. I would have to agree with that. But I can be sad that the person who helped teach me to crochet and sew is not here to see what I make. Or see Koda Bear grow. Or find out what happens with the Tall Short Person next.
In many ways, I want to be both my grandmothers when I grow up. But I am sad. And that is fine.

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