to be used to stop a battalion of werewolves (or things said at my house)

I have had two summer interns to work with this summer. I would usually groan but they have both been fabulous. One brought in whole wheat cinnamon rolls with coffee icing one morning. I almost cried the rest of the day because they made me homesick.
I have never been a big whole wheat fan, especially since my parents really like wheat berry bread. I have come to realize that I do not like chunks in things that I do not believe should be chunky. Brownies and ice cream should not be chunky. Cookies should not have hard chunks in them. Bread should not hurt to eat. And since most of the whole wheat bread I grew up with either had seeds in it or could be used as doorstops, I was not fond of whole wheat bread.
That was until I found a whole wheat cinnamon roll as big as a plate in Bellingham, Washington during college. It was light. There were no nuts. It was yummy. There was probably white flour in it but I do not know. But the cinnamon roll that Miss C brought to work was as good if not better then the cinnamon roll from my past. I all but cried all day. Just wanted to be home on the mountain, which is not far from Bellingham.
I asked for the recipe and tweaked it for sourdough. The only thing that you need to do to make light cinnamon rolls with this is really watch how much flour is used. I have already made this multiple times and I find that five cups is all you need. Also, this is a dough that can be easily made vegan if you use something other then honey for the sweetener.
The werewolf quote is from my Beloved. He loves these. Dips them in frosting (I leave it in a bowl on the counter) and eats them out of hand. They would stop a battalion of werewolves because they would need to stop to eat them as well as the first batch I made they rolls so large they had some heft. I was going for dinner plates. Feel free to laugh.
whole wheat cinnamon rolls
sourdough starter
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup water
2 3/4 cup water
1/2 cup walnut oil or an oil of your choice
1/2 cup honey or a similar sweetner
1 tablespoon salt
2 cups old fashioned (thick) oats
4 - 5 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup sugar, brown or granulated
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 - 1/2 cup soft butter
powdered sugar
milk, cream, or coffee
The night before, mix the sourdough starter, 1 cup whole wheat flour, and 1 cup water in a large bowl. Cover and let sit overnight or until bubbly. Remove a couple tablespoons of starter for next time and store in the refrigerator.
Mix in 1 3/4 cup water, 1/2 cup honey, and 1/2 cup oil. Mix in the oats. Mix in two cups whole wheat flour. Cover with at cloth and let sit until bubbly like pancake batter.
Mix in salt. Mix in 1 cup flour. You may have stiff dough at this point depending on how the oats soaked in the water. See if the dough can be kneaded. Start mixing in or kneading one more cup of flour. The dough should be silky and smooth, not to sticky but still very soft. If the dough is stiff from too much flour the rolls will not be as light as they could be. The extra cup of flour may be needed if everything is just that sticky. Cover and let rise until double.
Turn the dough out onto a floured surface. Roll into a large rectangle. The larger the rectangle, the more swirl you will have. You will also make smaller rolls. Smear with butter. Mix the sugar and cinnamon together. I have been using granulated. Sprinkle over the surface. If you want smaller rolls, roll from the long side into a snake. If you want larger rolls, roll up from the short side. Pinch the edge into the roll.
Cover a baking sheet or a casserole pan with parchment paper or butter well. Cut the rolls in 1 1/2 inch to 2 inch slices. Place the cut edge up. I plumb them a little to make a better shape. Cover and let get puffy.
Turn the oven on to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Put in the rolls. Bake for 35 minutes. They will be golden on the edges, stiff to touch, and hollow if tapped.
I did not give you proportions for the frosting because my family lots. I pour powdered sugar into a bowl, add a teaspoon to tablespoons of vanilla. I then ask if vanilla or coffee frosting is wanted. I mix a bit of heavy cream or milk in to make vanilla. Brewed coffee to make frosting. Start with a couple tablespoons of liquid until the frosting is the consistency you wish.
So good! I have been asked to make another batch for travels this week. We are gallivanting for motorbikes come mid week. I am hoping I can sit in the grass and watch people go in circles. Maybe add an adult beverage. I will have crochet or spinning with me. I always get looked at funny!

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