keeping my ears warm

When we were in Washington over Christmas, it was cold and rainy. I had my silk scarfs with me, which I have been wearing to keep my ears warm and hair out of food. But they were really not warm enough for my parents house and I had allergies going. Which means that I was headed for an ear infection which I really did not wish.
My parents have always kept the house on the chilly side of warm during winter. It is just easier to put another sweater on. But I needed more then my scarfs and I did not really wish to wear a hat, so I found out where the closest local yarn store was, got driven there, and bought yarn. Yes, I bought yarn for a headband but mitts were also made. And a hat. And more mitts. And. . . There will be more pictures.
I was really pleased with how it turned out. I have been wearing it around our cold and gloominess in Texas as well. When the sun came out, I did go back to silk. And the best thing was that I did not get an ear infection even with allergy sniffles! This is exciting. I do plan to make another. I will actually have to figure out what I did the first time, which took much pulling out!
I am just going to laugh at myself now!

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