trying mitered corners on quilts

I finished the Halloween quilt for the Tall Short Person. She wanted a quilt and not a wall hanging so I made sure everything was attached securely. In the original pattern, the lettering was a banner across the quilt. Not going to work as a physical hug! I did put a sleeve across the top in case she does ever wish to hang it as a Halloween decoration. The Small Bear liked the "bone daddies."
I am also making myself a Halloween quilt but I do not think it will be done in time for Halloween. That is okay. It gives me another chance to play with mitered corners. I did mitered corners on this quilt and, not perfect, but better. I needed to change how I did the binding which was okay. I also need to work on my fingers working better on the corners. That is just practice.
I had an old piece of red flannel in the stash and I used that for the back. It was going to be pajama bottoms for Koda Bear but his favourite colour is now orange. I still had a use. I also backed the banner edging in muslin. Life is good.
I did get this mailed yesterday so there is hope that it will get to the Tall Short Person by Halloween. I can hope!
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