cinnamon buns

October 4th is cinnamon bun day in Sweden. Many of the people I follow on instagram and twitter where talking about cinnamon buns. It is a contrived holiday created by Sweden's Home Baking counsel in 1999 but it rang a chord in many people so it continues. It is also something that is eaten frequently at fika (afternoon coffee) in Sweden.
My heritage is Norwegian but my Dad talks about the women in the small town in North Dakota where he grew up getting together for coffee. Morning coffee was done in house dresses and aprons, at the kitchen table. Afternoon coffee with a cake or a bun was a more dressy affair. It is how he talks about it. This would be served in the afternoon.
Cinnamon buns are not sticky like American cinnamon rolls. I loved the flavour and the not so stickiness of these rolls. Boyos wanted sticky! These will be for me. They are similar to my cardamom rolls. I personally think that the filling without the butter might be very nice rolled into kouign amman. But I like laminated doughs.
I found a recipe on Call Me Cupcake. Of course, I modified it to use sourdough. I did sign up to do a sourdough study. Life could be interesting.
cinnamon buns
Note: I adapated Call Me Cupcake recipe for sourdough
100 grams flour
100 grams water
150 grams soft butter
90 grams granulated sugar
½ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground cardamom
500 ml milk
840 grams flour (I used a mixture of all purpose and white whole wheat)
175 grams soft butter
90 grams sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg, lightly beaten
The night before, mix the sourdough with the 100 grams flour and 100 grams water. Cover and let sit until bubbly in a warm place. Remove some for next time.
To the starter, mix in the milk, butter, sugar, salt, and 2 teaspoon cardamom. Slowly mix in the flour until you have a soft dough. Turn out and knead until smooth and elastic. Put in a clean bowl, cover, and let rise until double.
Mix the 175 grams butter, 90 grams sugar, cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon cardamom, and vanilla in a small bowl. Set aside. This is your filling so it needs to be soft and spreadable. Do not put it in the refrigerator.
Cover baking sheets with parchment paper.
When the dough has risen, portion the dough in half. Roll it out into a large rectangle, about 16 inches by 20 inches. Spread half the filling mixture on it. Fold the bottom up and fold the top down. You want a letter shape. Cut into strips. Without unfolding, tie each strip into a knot. Place on the prepared baking sheet.
Repeat with the other portion of dough.
Cover and let rise until puffy.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Brush each bun with the beaten egg.
Bake for about 15 or 20 minutes. They should be golden brown.
I thnk they are lovely. Boyos want more sticky.
They were really good the next day toasted with butter and a cup of tea. Talk about a bit of heaven.
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