to the rescue (or down a rabbit hole)

For the last three days, I have been working on a wedding dress. One of the boyos is getting married the Sunday after Thanksgiving. They have been planning it for awhile. His fiancé had been falling wedding plans for timing. She thought it was all going well. That was until the seamstress she took her dress to had not made any progress on the hem of her dress in three weeks. The boyo asked my Beloved if I might be able to help.
Part of the problem, was that the bride had gotten sick since she bought her dress. Thirty pound later the dress that fit so well did not. And the picture of the dress implied it might not be the easiest dress to take in that much. Her seamstress had not even started to address those issues. While I was chatting with her, I told her I needed the dress now to do anything before I traveled for Thanksgiving. When she was tentative about the possibility about getting the dress back, I asked what the back up plan was.
I became the back up plan. I am making another dress.
Friday was about making a decision on what she wanted, buying fabric and supplies, and making a muslin. Of course, the muslin went together perfectly. Saturday was about making the skirt and the skirt lining. Lots of long seams.
Sunday was putting the bodice together, attaching it to the skirt, and putting in the zipper. I worked Saturday and Sunday until my eyes burned. The dress is also why I did not write Friday. I just did not have time.
There is a dress. It is not perfect because the dress did not go together as well as the muslin. The hems need to be done but the bride still needs to decide on how long she wants the train. I made the sleeves long so she can have choices there. I have two hooks and eyes to put on and one sash to make. The decision about hems will need to be made tonight. As well as a bustle.
I can see every imperfection. But it looks better today to me then it did last night with my eyes burning. It is all going to work out fine. And it will be done before I leave on Friday. More travelling! Different tent because the normal on has a split zipper. It will be repaired.
After I deliver the dress this week, the next time I will see it is on the bride. It will be a good day.
I may be hand sewing all day tomorrow . . .

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